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terça-feira, 1 de outubro de 2013

E-Cigarettes: A Safer Source of Nicotine?

Anyone who has tried to quit smoking knows it can entail herculean efforts. Withdrawal symptoms from nicotine and constant cravings for a cigarette cause many smokers to quit on quitting. Some smokers may be tempted to try electronic cigarettes - or e-cigarettes. They may sound like a healthier option. But these devices may be no safer than traditional cigarettes.

Like the common cigarette, e-cigarettes jolt the body with nicotine. But you don't burn them. Instead, these battery-operated devices heat up and convert nicotine into a vapor. The nicotine comes packaged in replaceable cartridges. These cartridges may also contain other chemicals, including flavorings like chocolate, mint, or coffee. In a process called "vaping," users insert a cartridge in the e-cigarette and then inhale the emitted vapor.E-cigarettes are often designed to mimic other nicotine-providing products, such as cigarettes, cigars, or pipes. They can also look like everyday objects, such as pens or USB devices. Some versions have a built-in light on the tip that glows when puffed. They may also contain a chemical called propylene glycol that, when vaped, simulates smoke.Manufacturers of e-cigarettes have claimed their products are healthier than regular cigarettes. They have also recommended e-cigarettes as a quit-smoking aide. The problem? These claims lack supporting scientific data. E-cigarettes may emit no smell and leave no ash, but not enough research has been done yet to say they are safer or effective in helping smokers quit.A study in the journal Chest provides some compelling evidence against the use of e-cigarettes. Researchers measured how e-cigarettes affected the lungs of a small group of smokers. After only 5 minutes of using an e-cigarette, study participants showed signs of inflammation in their lungs. The study results suggest using e-cigarettes for a long period of time may harm the lungs and body.Until more is known, the National Lung Association and the FDA recommend that consumers not use e-cigarettes. Their main concerns: Some chemicals in cartridges may be toxic. The amount of nicotine in cartridges may also vary from what is advertised on the label; some tests have found cartridges to contain more or less of the addictive substance.Always talk with your health care provider to find out more information.

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